Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hi and welcome to my blog!  A few weeks ago in church, it was said that the majority of people work in jobs they don't love.  If you ask the average person if they could make the money they do now, doing something else, would they pick a different job? Most would say yes.  I have a great job and I'm very thankful for it.  I enjoy the people I work with so I am very blessed!  My answer to the question of what would I be doing for a living if money was not a factor - a couple of things come to mind, a hair dresser, makeup artist, personal shopper, costume designer, buyer for a dept store etc.  Those things are my passion and I love researching, shopping and dreaming of them in my mind. Feeding off of that is the reason for the blog, it gives me an outlet to share what I love even if its not what I do as a profession.

So, I constantly get asked where I get my makeup and what I use.  Since I'm a complete shopaholic, I have searched the web and found some great little shops that produce awesome products.  That being said, when I get asked where I get stuff, it gets kind of complicated sometimes because no one has heard of these shops, so I thought having a blog that links the shops would be kinda cool.  From makeup to custom nail decals (like the NVR Elite that some of you saw) to jewelry and more! I'm going to start by introducing you to Etsy  If you are not familiar with it, then hold on to your britches, you are in for a treat!  Etsy has everything and the kitchen sink.  The majority of stuff is handmade by small business owners or hobbyists. Its so fun just to browse at the creativity on that site!  Its also crazy cool to have the owners create custom items featuring our local sports teams or just unique themes etc. I have really connected with several shops on there and will be featuring and reviewing some of my favorite products soon.  One of my all time favorite Etsy cosmetic shops will be up first and the super sweet owner is going to provide a coupon code that I can share with you guys too!!

To persue what I love a little farther, I'm also diving in to the cosmetology world.  Learning hair, makeup and nails.  Time does not permit me to attend school right now so I will be studying and learning on my own with the help of some amazing friends in the cosmetology world. I plan on doing the Paul Mitchell school cirriculum as my guide.  It will just be casual, at my house or yours, outside of business hours.  I have the CND Shellac nail system and some other fun toys at home so if you are up for a make over, nail polish or to be a guinea pig for my hair training, get in touch with me and we'll set something up! 

Since this is the first post, please feel free to tell me what you would like to see as far as featured products, tutorials, etc.  I have gotten a few emails about some of my makeup products so those will probably be the ones that get posted on first.  So, comment on here or shoot me a quick text or email with some questions or ideas! I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. love love friend!! i can't wait for more!!

  2. Hey there girl! I love the concept you have in mind. I can't wait to see all you come up with.

    I'd love you to post a demo of the foil technique you told us about at lunch this past week. Actually if you could start with the naked eye and walk us through the whole look you had that would be awesome!

    Good luck with all you are perusing. Sounds like lots of fun for you.
    Ann T.
