Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ah, Teal

Hi!!  Sooo, I'm seriously in love with the color Teal these days.  I dont have a ton of clothing that color so when I do wear it, my eyes are all out lol  I snapped these pics really quickly this morning and didn't do a tutorial but if anyone is interested, just give me a shout and I'm happy to do one.

Products used:

Starry Eyes Serum as the primer on my upper lid, under my brow

Black Primer on my lower lid - under the teal becuase the color I had was slightly lighter than what matched my shirt :)  It is not currently listed on the site I purchased from but if you are interested email me and I will direct you to another company

Foiling medium  - I dipped my brushes in this (just a teeny bit) before I dipped them in the loose shadow to make the shadow more vibrant and metallic.  Foiling medium is cool stuff and you can do a lot with it. (such as make shadows eyeliners)

Grafitti Eyeshadow - teal on my lower lid and to line my lower lash line

Sleigh Bells - as my outter v and crease blending to my upper lid (not nearly as bright silvery in person as the pic on the website of the product)

Cotton - under my brow as a highlight and in the inside corner of my eye to brighten

Black Liquid Liner on my upper lash line

Black Mascara - upper and lower lases

1 comment:

  1. Lee Ellen.

    I absolutely love the Teal eyes on you! I've been using the primer you suggested in an earlier post and I love the improvement in my shadow colors each day. And it keeps the color fresh all day and evening. I'd like to know more about the black primer you mentioned. Sorry to sound silly but can you get primer in other colors? Do they work the same as the clear primer does?

